Candidate for the position of 3rd Year Representative


I would like to join the Pharmsoc as a representative for my year as I feel it is a great way to meet new year groups and immerse myself into my pharmacy course both socially and academically. I have worked in my Fathers family business from quite a young age. Working in hospitality has helped me develop both social and interpersonal skills. This will enable me to successfully communicate on behalf of my year for both academic and social concerns. Working in hospitality has also encouraged me to work as part of a team and even lead a small one myself. During my transition year program I travelled to the Galápagos Islands and worked for 3 weeks as volunteer in the conservation park. I fundraised tho total cost of the trip myself. This has given me experience in organising and advertising events which will in turn enable me to successfully help with Pharm Soc’s events and responsibilities Regarding the social and academic events, while going on a night out is a great way to get to know people an activity with team building exercises is a good way to get people communicating and talking. For academic events it is beneficial to have a guest speaker give a talk. You can have an event that is both academic and social like a pub quiz with pharmacy related questions.

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