Candidate for the position of President (Communication & Democracy)



I’m Lauren Taylor and I’m a fourth-year Journalism Student and the Editor in Chief of Radar Magazine.

I am running for the role of President Communication and Democracy because throughout my time working on the magazine I have been involved with the Union and the democratic process. I have witnessed it progress to what it is today, including any shortcomings it has experienced, and as a result, want to ensure that every student voice is represented.

My role in the magazine has included communicating the interests of the students as well as liaising with RGU Union in order to produce a platform that reflects the student voice.

I am a highly motivated and determined individual who is committed to creating change.


Manifesto aims:


Support student media groups

  • Work closely with the student media groups to increase engagement and involvement with the Union
  • Ensure all media groups receive information about university news so it can be reported back to student body
  • Supporting these groups to represent the student voice by continuing to act as a platform for students


Improve the AGM system

  • Ensure that the student body is aware and understand their voting rights and how the AGM process works
  • Implement a system where Presidents are transparent about the motions they work on and the progress of the work
  • Introduce a system that makes voting more democratic as only a small proportion of students attend the AGM and vote on issues relating to the wider student body


Prevent student hunger

  • Work towards installing a food bank on campus so students can receive the help they need
  • Promoting schemes already in place from the university and wider community to help students


Increase engagement

  • Increase engagement through regular social media posts
  • Encourage distance learners to be involved with the Union and ensure all schools feel involved in the process
  • Make all information provided by union accessible to all to ensure every student is included
  • Speak to students on campus
  • Ensure the union is approachable to everyone


Support engagement with societies

  • Work with the vice president of Societies to increase membership
  • Highlight the importance of joining societies and volunteering
  • Support existing societies and help them expand
  • Develop new innovative events to expand reach and inclusivity
  • Develop an online forum where people looking to start up societies can see if there is any interest


To find out more, please visit my Facebook page.

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